☢ Melted Nuclear Fuel Corium Soon Outside Containment at Fukushima Reactor Units ☢

New reports coming out saying that all of the nuclear fuel at reactor unit 1 have melted and broken the bottom of the steel pressure vessel inside the reactor. The corium (melted nuclear fuel) is now on the bottom of the concrete below and is eating it's way down further and soon it will reach the containment vessel steel that is the last defence before completely outside. 
Reports say that not

☢ TEPCO Rejected 2008 Tsunami Threat Internal Report States ☢

Tokyo Electric Power officials received in 2008 an internal report showing that the the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant could be threatened by a tsunami of up to 10.2 metres. However TEPCO officials rejected the report saying that such an threat was "unrealistic".

Because TEPCO the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant ignored the warnings made in the internal report

☢ Fukushima Cesium 14,600 Bq/Kg Wild Boar Same As Countires Around Chernobyl ☢

There have been measurements taken by The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare now and radiation measurements of wild animals in Fukushima now show high levels of Cesium 137 in almost all types of animals. The ones that stand out the most are boar, bear and also deer. The measurements started 10/3/2011.

40 samples of boar were taken and results shows that levels of Cesium 137 to be as high as

☢ French Nuclear Waste Train Leaves For Germany Police Battling Hundreds of Anti-Nuclear Protesters ☢

It was a miniature D-Day for Anti-Nuclear protesters battling against riot police on Wednesday at Normandy.

Protesters stand by a burning barricade near Lieusant, Normandy, Wednesday, Nov.23, 2011. AP photo

And the reason behind the protests?
A train carrying treated nuclear waste from France back to Germany left nuclear giant Areva's rail yard in northwestern France on Wednesday despite fierce

☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 14 Nov 2011 ☢

Jeff rense here again with a MUST HEAR interview with Yoichi Shimatsu from Hong Kong done November 14, 2011. They talk about some seriouse matters about Reactor Nr. 6 possible meltdown and the tour bus with the journalists passing reactor Nr. 2 measured radiation levels 1000 millisieverts or 1 Sieverts when they drove by the buildings considered a "safe place"..

Radiation is now falling down on

☢ MP3 Radiation Update with Jeff Rense and Michael Collins 7 Nov 2011 ☢

This is an interview that Jeff Rense did with Michael Collins on November 7, 2011. Michael have been posting radiation readings online from the West LA area. And now we get to hear how radiation is affecting the crops in America and Canada. The nuclear fallout is spreading over the land and people should be aware of the radiation dangers.

Download MP3: Jeff Rense - 11-07-2011- Michael Collins -

☢ MP3 Fukushima Report with Jeff Rense and Yoichi Shimatsu 7 Nov 2011 ☢

Jeff Rense is back with Yoichi Shimatsu and talking about the signs of radiation sickness showing up now and how he himself have seen this same thing before from with radiation exposures. The childrens in Fukushima are not growing much anymore, they have stopped growing and don't gain much weight. Signs of fatigue in general, a lot of people are dieing in Japan now.

Download MP3: Jeff Rense -

☢ Fukushima Press Controlled Reporters Told To Put Down Cameras When Radiation Spiked ☢

A few days ago journalists where allowed to take a bus tour around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The reporters filmed and took photos of the damaged reactor buildings, although the journalists where not allowed to step outside during the tour it looked like things where somewhat under control at the plant.

But it was not, what the media don't show you is the fact that the tour was

☢ TEPCO Our Shoes Melted Instantly Workers Say Entering Reactor Building ☢

Translated From Japanese to English Google:
Immediately after the accident "shoes melted instantly," the worker testified Fukushima Daiichi

Once in the reactor building at the event, quickly melted back of the shoe.
Immediately after the accident TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, part of the testimony showed support workers hit. The public will have a detailed testimony of the first

☢ Fukushima Plutonium Enormous Amount In All Three Reactors Gundersen Interview ☢

Dr. Caldicott from If You Love This Planet - A weekly radio program once again chats with Arnold Gundersen, a nuclear energy consultant with Fairewinds Associates, about the ongoing situation at the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.

The direct link to the MP3 (54 MB) Download and listen to the radio program aired Friday, November 11th, 2011 http://ifyoulovethisplanet.org/audio/

☢ Fukushima Radiation Sickness TEPCO Workers Tweets of Dead Horrible ☢

This is a horrible read about the conditions the TEPCO workers are going through.

"TEPCO Workers wading through radioactive water complain that their boots have holes in them. Some are not instructed in when to change the filters on their safety masks."

"Some lower-ranking companies may have ties to the yakuza, Japan’s mafia, and among the lowest-paid recruits are members of the burakumin

☢ Fukushima Radiation Sickness Symptoms Public Inability To Fight Illness Part1 ☢

These last days there have been so many reports about people showing radiation sickness symptoms being hospitalized because they are unable to fight common illnesses and also diagnosed with cancer that I decided to summarize what is going on. However I feel I need to split up the posts because it's just so much. So this is Part 1 and the news stories covered are from November 7 along with

☢ Fukushima Mini-Nuclear Bomb German Radiation Expert Warns After Uncontrolled Nuclear Fssion ☢

Given the reports of an uncontrolled nuclear fission reactor accident in Japan's Fukushima Munich radiation expert Professor Edmund Lengfelder warns of the possibility of a nuclear explosion ....
It would be "a kind of mini-nuclear bomb in the scale," said Lengfelder the dpa news agency. "The probability, however, I can not estimate at all." Nobody knows how much enriched uranium had flowed

☢ Sustained Nuclear Chain Reaction Possible At Fukushima Disaster Plant TEPCO Announced ☢

Time and time again we can read about how safe and under control the situation is at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Cold shutdown is well underway and the tents are being made to cover the damaged reactor units. Evacuation zones have been opened allowing people back to their homes to live at areas that he now been made "safe" by the government.

All is well we read in the papers,

☢ Incredibly Radioactive Air Fukushima, Tokyo and Seattle Comparison Analysis Show ☢

Arnie Gundersen came out with a new video October 31st, 2011 that gives scientific information that Marco Koltofen presented to doctors at the American Public Health Association. Analysis that have been done on car air filters in Japan and US / Canada show that car air filters in Fukushima are incredibly radioactive and that people even far away in Tokyo received an enormous exposure of hot
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