Bird's Conference

excerpt from Conference of the Birds

by Farid ud-Din Attar, translated from the Persian by Afkham Darbandi and Dick Davis

Moths gathered in a fluttering throng one night
To learn the truth about the candle's light,
And they decided one of them should go
To gather news of the elusive glow.
One flew till in the distance he discerned
A palace window where a candle burned -
And went no nearer; back again he flew
To tell the others what he thought he knew.
The mentor of the moths dismissed his claim,
Remarking: "He knows nothing of the flame."
A moth more eager than the one before
Set out and passed beyond the palace door.
He hovered in the aura of the fire,
A trembling blur of timorous desire,
Then headed back to say how far he'd been,
And how much he had undergone and seen.
The mentor said: "You do not bear the signs
Of one who's fathomed how the candle shines."
Another moth flew out - his dizzy flight
Turned to an ardent wooing of the light
He dipped and soared, and in his frenzied trance
Both Self and fire were mingled by his dance -
The flame engulfed his wing-tips, body, head;
His being glowed a fierce translucent red;
And when the mentor saw that sudden blaze,
The moth's form lost within the glowing rays,
He said: "He knows, he knows the truth we seek,
That hidden truth of which we cannot speak."
To go beyond all knowledge is to find
That comprehension which eludes the mind,
And you can never gain the longed-for goal
Until you first outsoar both flesh and soul;
But should one part remain, a single hair
Will drag you back and plunge you in despair
No creature's Self can be admitted here,
Where all identity must disappear.


"Working far from family is the faith of a working man"

Al Baqarah: 223 said that As a father honestly fulfill his obligation by feeding his family, a sign of his observance to his God, would be considered invaluable alms before Allah SWT and his sweat and tiredness will expunge his sins.



Aku suka mereka yang berjaga di tengah malam,
di kala dentang jam dinding mengoyak sepinya malam.

di ujung tirai-tirai kelambu putih,
ketika kucing-kucing lapar membentuk bayang-bayang dunia hantu,
aku suka merenung malam.

Mungkin kau tak mengerti semua ini,
Biarlah . . .

Bumi berputar, waktu berlalu
dan malam ini
akan sirna dalam fajar pagi
Seperti juga malam-malam sebelumnya . . .

Jakarta, medio 1985.

Malamnya Pagi

Malamnya Pagi

Oo . . . dunia kalang kabutan,
sepi mega menghanyut,
kelam di langit biru.










dini hari

fajar pun meretak malam,
mengerkah merobek-robek.
Dan malam jadi gila,
meliuk-liuk meronta-ronta
meraup menggapai-gapai
menyapu semua yang tersisa
dari kotorannya yang berdaki
nista . . .

Oo . . . malam telah pergi
sambutlah kini fajar gemilang
hitam kelam warnanya
terang benderang seperti malam.

Jakarta, 17 Agustus 1993

White Shores

Di Pantai Pasir Putih

Ada sepercik kegelisahanku
waktu kulihat kau menangis,
sebab ku tak punya sedikit keberanian
untuk mengusik dan bertanya….

Anak-anak Keabadian
yang berlarian di pantai pasir putih,
tidaklah menjadi sebab.
Karena sebagaimana pedang Democles,
kata-kata adalah absurditas
yang tersublim dalam bingkai emas.

Yogyakarta, 21 Juli 1991

Chairil's Poems

sajak-sajak chairil anwar


Kalau sampai waktuku
'Ku mau tak seorang kan merayu
Tidak juga kau

Tak perlu sedu sedan itu

Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulannya terbuang

Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang menerjang

Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari
Hingga hilang pedih peri

Dan aku akan lebih tidak perduli

Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi

Maret 1943


kepada pemeluk teguh

Dalam termangu
Aku masih menyebut namamu

Biar susah sungguh
mengingat Kau penuh seluruh

cayaMu panas suci
tinggal kerdip lilin di kelam sunyi


aku hilang bentuk


aku mengembara di negeri asing

di pintuMu aku mengetuk

aku tidak bisa berpaling

13 November 1943

buat: Sri Ajati

Ini kali tidak ada yang mencari cinta
di antara gudang, rumah tua, pada cerita
tiang serta temali. Kapal, perahu tiada berlaut
menghembus diri dalam mempercaya mau berpaut

Gerimis mempercepat kelam. Ada juga kelepak elang
menyinggung muram, desir hari lari berenang
menemu bujuk pangkal akanan. Tidak bergerak
dan kini tanah dan air tidur hilang ombak.

Tiada lagi. Aku sendiri. Berjalan
menyisir semenanjung, masih pengap harap
sekali tiba di ujung dan sekalian selamat jalan
dari pantai keempat, sedu penghabisan bisa terdekap



kelam dan angin lalu mempesiang diriku,
menggigir juga ruang di mana dia yang kuingin,
malam tambah merasuk, rimba jadi semati tugu

di Karet, di Karet (daerahku y.a.d) sampai juga deru dingin

aku berbenah dalam kamar, dalam diriku jika kau datang
dan aku bisa lagi lepaskan kisah baru padamu;
tapi kini hanya tangan yang bergerak lantang

tubuhku diam dan sendiri, cerita dan peristiwa berlalu beku



cemara menderai sampai jauh
terasa hari akan jadi malam
ada beberapa dahan di tingkap merapuh
dipukul angin yang terpendam

aku sekarang orangnya bisa tahan
sudah berapa waktu bukan kanak lagi
tapi dulu memang ada suatu bahan
yang bukan dasar perhitungan kini

hidup hanya menunda kekalahan
tambah terasing dari cinta sekolah rendah
dan tahu, ada yang tetap tidak terucapkan
sebelum pada akhirnya kita menyerah


Of Children

To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education"
John Ruskin (1819-1900)

" Where children are, there is a golden age"
Friedrich Von Hardenberg (1772-1801)

"Let children be able to do all things, and love to do only the good"
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)

"You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of your grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. It men spit opun the ground, they spit upon themselves."
Seattle (1784-1866), native American chief of the Dwamish, Suquamish and allied native American tribes

" We can not shape our children according to our ideas,
We must keep and love them as God gave them to us"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

"I long to be in the midst of the children, and have more pleasure in their little follies than in the wisdom of the wise"
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

"For children preserve the fame of a man after his death"
Aeschylus (525-456 B.C.)

". . . It is children who are God's Presence, promise and hope for mankind . . ."



" Karena Masa Lalu tidak dapat menerangi Masa Depan, pikiran manusia berkelana di tengah kabut . . ."
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